A Hope-Building Paradigm Shift
September 9, 2024
Marvin Weisbord, the great elder of organizational behavior, said, “I used to go into a place or system and ask, what’s wrong and how can I fix it? Now I go in and I ask what’s possible here and who cares?”
The phenomenal Margaret Wheatley shared this quote on a podcast I listened to recently and it resonated so deeply.
What would be possible for you if you shifted from problem-solving to possibility-pursuing? From individual efforting to collaborative caring?
I’m energized just thinking of the possibilities!
It reminded me of something I shared in my Partnering with Admin skill session from my Learning Library: regardless of the context or complexities of the coach/admin relationship, both people want a good relationship. Both people want to see the teachers succeed. When you operate from those starting beliefs, so much more is possible in your relationship.
Could you benefit from a little hope?
If so, start with this: in each situation you find yourself in this week where things seem bleak, ask yourself, “What’s possible here and who cares?”
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