My Top 5
February 19, 2024

Here are my top five things that I’m SO excited about related to my next book:
- I get to read the audio version! I’ve petitioned to record the audio for each of my books, but each time the audio publisher has said no. This time—because of the success of our podcast—they said yes! I can’t wait to be the one speaking the words of this book into your ear.
- I feel like it’s the book that most sounds like me! I guess it makes sense that after seven books I’d find my voice. Although my inner critic made her appearance, I don’t feel like an imposter. I know what I’m talking about. You’ll hear my confidence in this book, which makes it a good book.
- There are four chapters about how to coach ways of being (which is really about how to coach emotions)! I love these four chapters. They are informative, instructive, and inspiring, if I don’t say so myself. They’re what I wish I’d had when I started coaching. They will also help you understand yourself (and your emotions) so much better.
- There’s a whole chapter about how to coach resistance. Because the number one question I get about coaching is “How do you coach resistant teachers?” So I have A LOT of answers to that question. And I had a major epiphany about the relationship between resistance and resilience. More on this coming soon.
- There are two long chapters exclusively about coaching for equity! Equity is woven into every part of this book, but it’s also thoroughly addressed as its own thing. I did this for a couple reasons: 1) it’s a foundational element to everything I teach so it needs to be there, but also 2) I know that in many places, educators can’t get funds for PD or resources containing the word equity. Since they can’t buy Coaching for Equity, I’m hoping when they buy this book, they’ll get at least a good chunk of that content.
Now, I know that after reading this book (available around August 1!) you’ll be set up to have some really powerful conversations. I also know that you’ll need practice. Reading about something is an essential step in building skill and knowledge, but it doesn’t translate into conscious competence. This is true for any content.
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