You Can Get Along with Anyone
October 14, 2024

Who are the people in your work life with whom you don’t “click”?
Try this:
Take a minute to jot their names down.
Now, answer these questions for each person:
- Which aspects of your identities and life experiences are shared?
- Which aspects of your identities and life experiences are different?
💡If you’re not sure what to consider, here’s a free tool to help you get started.
After answering for each individual, take a minute to identify any trends across the group.
Why this helps:
So many of our expectations are formed by our own culturally-constructed expectations. And those are formed based on our identity and experiences.
When we feel like we don’t “click” with people, we tend to engage with them in ways that further deteriorate the relationship, or simply prevent it from getting stronger.
Try this on:
The next time you are engaging with one of the people on your list, imagine you are an investigator. Turbocharge your curiosity. Ask questions, listen deeply, and suspend judgment. You might be surprised by what happens next!
Keep Learning:
- Subscribe to my Weekly Wisdom Newsletter to get content about coaching, leading teams, and facilitating professional development right in your inbox.
- Listen to Episode 221 of The Bright Morning Podcast ("Navigating Client Cancelations: Coaching Demonstration") to hear me demonstrate a coaching conversation with a client who keeps canceling meetings.
- Join the Learning Library and Transformational Coaching PLC to participate in my Skill Sessions covering what to do when you're not "clicking" with a client, when your client keeps canceling, and when your client keeps saying that everything is "fine."