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In the first of this two-part series, Elena pulls back the “Bright Morning curtain” to give you an insider’s look into how we use purpose to drive our team meetings. From 1:1 check-ins, to monthly presenter team meetings, you’ll get the inside scoop into what we do and why we do it.

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Transformational Lesson Plan Feedback: Coaching Demonstration: Episode 234




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Navigating Standardized Testing Woes: Coaching Conversation: Episode 233




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Instructional Coaching with Transformational Coaching Strategies: Coaching Demonstration: Episode 232




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Combat Overwhelm with a Focal Student: Episode 231




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Using Student Surveys to Build Trust and Close Gaps: Episode 230




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Taking a Confrontational Stance: Coaching Demonstration: Episode 229




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Assessing Trust In Your Coaching Relationships: Coaching Demonstration: Episode 228




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


Normalizing Struggles with the Conscious Competence Ladder: Coaching Demonstration: Episode 227




In this final episode of our Hot Topics of Coaching for Equity mini-series Elena shares seven things you can do when you are in a toxic culture, one where there is contagious negativity.


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